Monday, December 29, 2008

Reflecting on 2008

2008...Ahhh...a very good year?

In many aspects, I can say that 2008 was a pretty good year for me. There were many highs and lows, but they seem to balance themselves out all adding up to a decent 365 days.

I figured we would get the bad stuff out of the way so the lasting thoughts will be good ones...

I lost a few friends this year. This was very difficult for me because these friends provided the foundation of my uncomfortable comfort zone. An uncomfortable comfort zone is a state of being that you are very familiar with, but don't necessarily need to be a part of. I was doing what I knew to do, whether good, bad, or indifferent. These folks were great friends indeed, but I wasn't allowed to grow in a positive direction. I stayed stagnant. I can't blame anyone on my stagnation. However, no hopes, dreams, and plans were discussed. No one ever spoke about going to the next level. Now, I could have easily been the one to spark the conversation, but my voice would have been but a small one amidst the clatter of talk of negative things. Some B.S. happened and I took the easy way out of some situations that I should have been out of. I have to admit, there are things that I did wrong in the situation. For these things I am certainly apologetic to an extent. I have no problem owning up to my wrong doings. I have a problem with people not owning up to theirs.

I hit a plateau this year. I can't say that I did anything spectacular. Now, some might view everything I do as spectacular, because I can be considered successful in many regards. However, I did nothing to the full extent of my potential. I know that I can do so much better than I did, but I didn't. It would be great if I had someone to blame for this, but I don't, so I can't and won't.

I spent too much money this year. I just spent and spent and spent as if there was no recession and pending depression. Who the hell did I think I was? I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination. I spent when there was nothing left to spend. I spent money with a negative balance. Trifling, right?

I waited long to forgive folks this year. I can say that I've been a little sadistic in this department. Withholding forgiveness is a form of torture, and I certainly used this tactic. It wasn't a pleasurable experience at all. I just got tired of always turning the other cheek to folk. Instead of the right or left cheek, I turned both my butt cheeks, and that was just down right mean. For this, I am ashamed...a little bit anyway...

I voted for a President that won! I was in Obama's camp before the camp was set up. I had a feeling about this guy, and I followed him all the way to victory. I believed in him and I still do. I am inspired by him, and I will have lots to say about our dear President-Elect throughout my future blogs.

I got closer to my family this year. This is a big one for me. I love each and every family member that I have. I can't relate to all of them, but I love them just the same. I rekindled some relationships, worked on relationships that were strained, and practiced more patience with my kin. I suspect that the upcoming year will see many of these relationships blossom, and I look forward to this occurrence.

I honored my mother and father this year. Now, this is something that I've always done. I love my parents dearly and would not be the person I am today if it were not for them. I did not once take for granted what they do for me, and I expressed my love and gratitude for them any chance that I could.

I accepted a marriage proposal this year. More about this at another time.

I loved myself more this year. This is something that I had to wait 35 to learn how to do. I had the dreaded "disease to please". I thought about others before I thought about myself. I would give you my last even if I needed it. I would be available to others before I was available to myself, and I'm not doing this anymore. I will continue to be loving, humble, and giving, but I have to take care of me before I take care of others.

I stopped being so evil this year. My sour disposition was somewhat of a outward reflection of what I was feeling inside. When I started to feel better, but disposition changed, and I am very proud of this. Folks around me have even been telling me what a pleasure I am to be around-I haven't heard that in a while.

These are just a few of my reflections of the previous year. There are more, but I'm just so excited to move on that I want to talk about 2009 already!

In 2008, I did what I knew best to do. In 2009, I will know better so I will do better.

Peace, Balance, and Prosperity to All,
