Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's been a while since I have blogged. There are so many things that have been going on not only in my world, but the world in general. Each microcosm that makes up my existence is teeming with activity, and, to be quite honest, I don't really know what to make of things.

Let's see where we can begin. Well, on the homefront, I'm doing my best to juggle in this jungle. It seems I'm alwyas ripping and running, but I guess that's part of being a real adult, huh? My son is growing up so fast, emerging into a pre-adolescent right before my eyes! I still remember my "preggo" days, trying to rub the right side of my belly to shift his behind to the center so I wouldn't look like the crooked pregnant lady! Seeing him grow and absorb all that is going on around him challenges me to be a better person, which is a good thing right? There are times, however, when I know I can do better but don't, and I have to find an alternative to beating myself up about it.

On the workfront, it's strange going into a job that you've had for the past seven years and wondering who will get the axe. That's a wreck! I guess this is how my parents felt during the Regan years. I remember standing in the unemployment line with my mother. Everyone seemed so depressed and downtroddened. I guess people feel the same way now, but instead of being depressed in line collecting a fraction of what they once earned, they are depressed when they are calling their unemployment compensation in over the phone or typing it in over the Internet...such modern times, right? However, as we are witness to CHANGE (I love Obama!) we are to remain optimistic and hopeful for what the future brings.

In my community, things are pretty crazy. The slaying of police officers in Philadelphia has become national news, and it's pretty embarassing. I am very proud to have been born and raised in Philadelphia, although I am not so proud at the choices that some of my brothers and sisters make on a daily basis. There is no easy way to do anything in this life. You pay on the front end or you pay on the back end, and that's just how it goes. Individuals who think they can get around the laws of the universe are not only sadly mistakened, but just plain ol' SAD. Pray for my people, please?

In terms of embracing my newfound Patriotism, it takes some getting used to. As an African-American child born in the 70's and raised by near-revolutionaries, you are told to be skeptical of America and her offerings. "Send me your poor, tired, and weary," and then what will you do with those people. Up until this point (and every now and again EVEN STILL), Black asses are kicked on a regular basis in the U.S. of A. Growing up, we didn't sing America the Beautiful or God Bless America with glee. As we see that there may be an opportunity for us to be judged by the content of our character and not the color of our skin, I am optimistic about what the future holds. I have never been one to expect handouts or favors, so I do realize that what I put in to anything is what I will get out of it, and that's all right with me.

I'm going to earnestly try to blog more. Everytime I watch the news, read TIME magazine or check my Smoking Gun emails, I'm tempting to blog a little. I think I am going to commit to do just that.

Peace and Blessings to those who have taken in thsi piece/peace of my mind.
